
Mission Statement

The mission statement of the Imperial County Fire department and Office of Emergency Services is to enhance the quality of life, environment, and safety of our community in an atmosphere of courtesy, integrity, and quality service. The strength of this organization will ultimately resolve itself into the strength of the individuals composing it. Therefore, it is necessary that all members place before them the ideal of the best service to the citizenry and then strive diligently to serve that ideal.

Vision Statement

It is the vision of Imperial County Fire Department to continue to be identified as an all-hazards, all-risk public service provider by producing highly trained, customer service oriented firefighters, and developing a department which aligns with the strategic plan of the Imperial County.

Strategic Goals

  1. Provide service that holds true to the Mission Statement of the Imperial County Fire Department, an overall mission of providing high quality customer service and emergency response to all citizens.
  2. Continue to develop, maintain, and implement Public Safety programs for making the community resilient from both natural and man-made disasters.
  3. Maintain and ensure Imperial County Fire Department is fiscally sustainable.
  4. Develop and maintain training, recruitment, health and wellness, apparatus, and equipment programs that reflect local, State, and Federal standards and recommendations.


Picture of Fire Chief David Lantzer

The point of using dummy text for your paragraph is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters. making it look like readable English.

The point of using dummy text for your paragraph is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters. making it look like readable English.


The three shifts are supervised by an on-duty Battalion Chief. The on-duty Battalion Chief can be reached 24/7 at: 442-265-3010.

Battalion Chief

A-Shift Supervisor

Christian Guzman

Battalion Chief

B-Shift Supervisor

Hector Garcia

Battalion Chief

C-Shift Supervisor

Oscar Robles